Saturday, August 15, 2009

Winter Garden in the Ground

Spent a few hours digging in the dirt this morning with Drew and Ella, getting the bed ready, pulling out old lettuce and spent cabbage and broccoli, to make room for more broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, and spinach. It feels so satisfying! It's not only right on time, but I am very happy with how the plants turned out, they look very healthy and solid. May they flourish and feed us well all through until next spring!

Meanwhile, Drew did a little weedwhacking around the garden paths. I so need to do some sheet mulching on the paths so the grass can't grow anymore. Sometimes it's hard to find time to do ALL the small little projects I want to do to make our place nice. Anyhow, after all that, I harvested a whole basket of green beans, 7 full length Japanese cucumbers, and a large zuchinni (oops!). I am loving the garden right now, it is full of food. Late summer is amazing!

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