Monday, June 1, 2009


Providence has descended upon me, and I have had TWO full days of garden work, uninterrupted (well, mostly) the last two days. I not only have used the time to complete almost all of my bed prep for our summer annual garden, but I also created a new sheet mulch bed, cleaned out the shed from the time the chickens spent there, installed more irrigation, weeded out problem areas, installed our irrigation timers and programmed them, allowing automatic watering, and I bird-netted the strawberries to keep that pesky scrub jay out of there. Whew! I'm tired! The annual bed digging included weeding, amending, and turning two 100-square-foot beds, remulching them, and layout out the drip lines. In one of them, I had to remove a trellis from our failed :( shelling pea experiment (too many gophers). Speaking of gophers, Drew set a pair of MacAbee traps in a run this morning, and caught TWO gophers, one on either side! Between Drew, the dog, and the cats, we are in the gopher catching business. Things are looking up for our little garden. Hopefully, we won't suffer too many more casualties, and our garden will compliment our CSA share perfectly.

It's a good thing I've got all this bed space prepared, because I have a lot of starts to put in the ground: eggplants, peppers, zuchinni, butternut squash, bush delicata squash, hubbard squash, kale, cucumbers, and pumpkins. They will all be glad to get growing before they reach the outer edges of their pots.

I'll post some photos soon...

1 comment:

Daffodowndilly Farm said...

Boy your chickens have grown! Whew, it is a lot of work, more power to ya. I am living a parallel life on the east coast, it IS the good life!